


Effective January 3rd, 2019

Your privacy, and the privacy of all users on our website, is very important to us.

In that light, we have adopted this privacy policy. Our policy provides notice of how we collect information, what information is collected, how that information is used, and how that information is secured, for all users and their interactions with our website.


This website is owned and operated by Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, LLC, 895 S State St, Westerville, OH 43081. This privacy policy applies to the Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center website (cvvwc.com) exclusively. Any user-submitted data collected by us, is used for the purposes specified. Any generalized data, including but not limited to, end-user interactions on our site is used for the sole purpose of analyzing and understand trends, information, and how our users interact with our website. Please carefully read this policy in its entirety and contact us at info@cvvwc.com if you have any questions regarding its contents.


This website is owned and operated by Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center. Its content has been reviewed and approved by staff employed by Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center.


During the course of your use of our site, we ask for and may collect a variety of information from you. When a contact form is submitted, for example, we require that the name, phone number, and general symptoms be denoted by the end-user. These items may be considered Personal Health Information and are covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). By using our site, including the contact form and any other forms, you consent to allow Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center and its direct employees to read, review, and store this data.


Use of our site requires that you accept the use of cookies. We use cookies to track data on our website.


We use Google Analytics. Google captures end-user interaction data which we then use to interpret, analyze, forecast, and understand the interactions of our website by our users. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. The personal data collected for these purposes is limited to cookie and usage data. Refer to Google’s privacy policy for more information regarding their use of data collected through this method.


Our use of any information a user provides is used by Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center to provide you with the requested information, to schedule an appointment, or to otherwise fulfill a request by the user. Personal information and data submitted by a user is not combined with generalized analytic data. Personal information and date submitted by a user is used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the request of the user who submitted that information and data.


Any employee of Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, and Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center itself, will not disclose your personal information to anyone or any other party, unless required by law. We may disclose information to fulfill certain legal and regulatory requirements. However, if we believe, in good faith and sound judgement, that disclosure of personal information is legally required or necessitated to protect others’ rights or to prevent harm, we will disclose the required personal information.


Any time after you have utilized our website you are able to contact us at info@cvvwc.com to request access to information we have collected regarding you or to notify us of changes to previously requested information. If you request any changes, a representative of Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center will contact you to update that information.


All information submitted to Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center is secured and viewed only by employees of relevance in regards to accomplishing and fulfilling your request. The end-user also plays a vital role in information security. When submitting personal information, ensure that you are not on a public computer, or on an unfamiliar device, internet network, or in a public space in which your information can be viewed by others. After you having completed any contact form, or finished your use of our site, it is recommended that you close any tab of our website, as well as the browser. Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, and any employee of Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, accepts no responsibility or control over any breaches of privacy that may result from negligence on the part of the website user.

Information you voluntarily disclose online in any news sites, message boards, discussion groups or chat rooms, or any other website may be collected and used by others without your permission. If you provide any information to parties who operate websites that are linked to or from our site, different rules may apply to their collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. We request that you review these sites’ policies before revealing any sensitive or personal information.

Regardless of the efforts taken Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, and any employee of Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, complete and perfect security does not exist on the Internet. As such, any breaches of privacy, security, or any issues that may arise regarding personal information, that may occur, Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, and any employee of Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, can not be held liable and do not accept any responsibility.

We cannot promise, guarantee, or warrant the security of any information you submit to Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center, and by submitting information, and continuing the use of the Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center website, you consent directly, and tacitly, to providing any information at your own risk, and your own sole responsibility, and sole liability.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may make changes and modify this policy to reflect any changes in the way we collect, or use, information from users of our website, as well as any changes that are required by law, privacy-related laws, regulations, industry standard changes, or changes in any policy that affect privacy. Accordingly, we reserve the right to change this policy at any time by posting the updated revised policy on the Columbus Vascular Vein and Wound Center website. This policy was posted on January 3rd, 2019. Data will be handled in accordance with the policy in effect.